The go here Diaries

Tourists being unaware of the place or inattentive to their luggage are easy victim of smart thieves. Curious natives trying to befriend and offering some help may end up stealing goods. Some natives offer themselves as tourist guides at cheap rates by making false claims of being a needy student or unemployed.

They often speak good English. They win your confidence and then get away with your valuables Pick one from an authorized tourist center and try to get their credentials verified by the appropriate authority if you want services of a tourist guide.

Here are some precious travel tips for safety of luggage and valuables.

1. Baggage Travel Insurance Is First and Must

Start your safety with insurance. Insuring your baggage may not bring back your favorite items, but it will bring you the peace of mind in your financial terms.

2. Never Display Huge Amount of Cash in Public

You must carry smaller amount and change in your front pocket for frequent use. Keep your purse and wallet close to your body. One simple trick is to tie a rubber band across the purse, which will hinder it from being pick-pocketed.

3. Keep Limited Number of Credit Cards with You

Make sure you remember the credit card number and the phone number to report any loss of card immediately.

4. Women's Travel Safety Tips

Women should take special care of jewelry. Do not display expensive jewelry. It is better to wear artificial jewelry or no jewelry at all while traveling. Try to use compact ornaments, which can not be pulled away easily.

5. Travel Safety go here Tips for Senior Citizens

Senior people should carry very light bags. It is suggested to purchase cheap clothes in the destination country and dispose them off. Heavy bags with attractive items such as camera and mobile phone in hands of senior and weak people easily tempt burglars and criminals.

6. Travel Safety Tips for Kids

Kids should not be handed over big amount of cash, credit cards, jewelry or expensive electronic goods. Try to get them cheap local watches instead of expensive watches. This will not only save money but also save them from being harassed.

7. Bus Travel Safety Tips

While traveling in a bus, make sure the luggage is stored and tied up safely. Keep the window closed while bus is halted or caught up in traffic jams if you have a seat beside window.

To ensure that the hard-earned money will go far, here are some of the budget travel tips to keep in mind:

One thing to note though, travel time for repositioned trips may take longer than the usual.

As the number of tourists goes up, the travel cost also does. Stay at the hotel is another essential thing to consider on budget when travelling. By keeping all these budget travel tips in mind, everyone can have a wonderful vacation without shedding out too much money from their pockets.

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